Welcome to another week of Author Chat with me. Today’s guest author is a British author of M/M paranormal romances. If you love phoenixes rising, werewolves howling, demons possessing or even superheroes saving the day – Charlotte’s books will give you that escape! She is here today talking about her Phoenix ShiftARS series.
Let’s chat with Charlotte and get to know a bit more about her and her books!

ACwA Guest: Charlotte Brice
How did the first story you ever wrote influence your career as an author and how do you feel about that story now?
Charlotte: As a child, I had writing like a drunk spider staggered across the page. I couldn’t stay on the lines and as a leftie, would leave pen smears down my hand.
At thirteen, while on holiday, I was given a book of fairy tales, a notepad and a pen. The aim was to write out the stories and improve my handwriting. Fairy tales were boring, but I found two cowboy books at my nan’s house, which opened my eyes to a whole new world. Rawhide. I enjoyed copying stories about cowboys and horses, baddies and guns. It was like another world. Before long I wasn’t writing what was written on the page, I was adding characters, and changing plots, and soon I was writing fan fiction. Now I love hand writing pages of my stories in note form before typing them up.
Which of your characters is most like you (or someone close to you.)
Charlotte: I often say I am unleashing my inner Harlow. It’s not always a compliment. He is the main character in my Phoenix series and he’s a bit of a brat to write. He likes to play hide and seek with words and he is totally insane. He does have three monsters living in his head while mine are school age children.
What is your favorite trope and why?
Charlotte: Paranormal mystery. I love a good plot twist. I love making my characters work hard for their happy ending.
How many half-written stories are on your hard-drive and what do you plan to do with them?
Charlotte: 84. I plan to publish them all one day, but I do realise that will take me 8 years. But it’s the only way to stop them nagging at me.
What are you working on next?
Charlotte: I am releasing the second edition of the Phoenix ShiftARS (Army Regiment of Shifters) over the coming weeks, and once all 7 books are finished, I’m moving on to time travelling demi-gods.
Charlotte Brice’s Newest Release

My name is Harlow, I’m 23 and I’ve just graduated from officer training with a shiny new title, Second Lieutenant. Now it’s time I get my posting assignment and start my new life with a ShiftARS unit.
Unfortunately for me, meeting my new team and arriving at my new base went a little sideways. Don’t worry though, I have everything under control now. Except that’s a lie. My rank may be higher than the three guys on my team, but never has anything been more obvious than my lack of experience compared to them. They treat me like a newbie, a rookie, not their commanding officer. Then there’s the fact that the three of them are gay and lovers, so the team dynamics are off. Is it odd if I notice how these guys look at me like a conquest and want to welcome me in? They are huge men with solid muscle and tower at least 6 inches above me. Despite coming top of my class in fitness, martial arts, and target shooting, to them my 5’10 frame makes me seem like a delicate flower. They think I’m straight, I think I’m straight, so I won’t tell them I’ve been tempted by their perfect bodies. Just like I won’t tell them everything about my shift beast. Honestly, their eyeballs should thank me.
But sometimes secrets are not meant to be kept. The good, the bad, the ugly and the crazy is all at risk of coming out. What can I do when these guys so easily peel away my layers until they reveal my broken core? Will they ever be able to look at me again? And when the ruler of the criminal underworld comes calling, will any of it matter anyway? This is a full-length M/MMM harem novel suitable for those over 18 due to sexual content. There are scenes that some may consider cheating, though the status of the relationship is questionable. This book ends on a cliff-hanger, but don’t worry, you can get your teeth straight into book 2 on 17th December 2021 This is a second edition, revised to contain POV of all harem members.
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About Charlotte Brice

Hello and welcome, and thanks for checking out my website. Here you will find more about me, and my crazy world where both dragons and chickens share my desk space.
I’m a British author, residing in a small town in the South west of England. A dry sense of humour and a cup of tea are essential tools for writing my paranormal romances.
Between my writing and wrestling three chaos demons, I still find time for my menagerie of animals
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