Welcome to another week of Author Chat with me. Today I get to welcome someone I might be fan boying just a bit. Louisa Masters is the mistress of the Hidden Species series and I can’t recommend it enough. The latest book in the series – Sorcerers always Satisfy – was just released and it has sorcerers and elves. I mean what’s not to like. You can enter to win an eCopy of the first volume in the series – Demons Do it Better, so read on to find out how to win that.
Let’s chat with Louisa!
ACwA Guest: Louisa Masters
- How did the first story you ever wrote influence your career as an author and how do you feel about that story now?
Well… it started my career as an author. Before that, writing a book was something I would have loved to do, but was a future dream, or for someone else. Finding the motivation to write that first book and then to actually know I’d finished a whole book was a game changer for my perspective. The if-only dream was suddenly possible. I’ve grown a lot as a writer since that first book, and if I was writing it today, there would be a lot of differences, but I still have a soft spot for it. - Which of your characters is most like you (or someone close to you.)
All of them. I borrow traits and elements from most of the people in my life, including me, for all my characters. It makes things interesting when those same people read my books and can’t work out why a character seems familiar!
- What is your favorite trope and why?
I love enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, sibling’s best friend… and so many more. It’s too hard to pick a favorite—next question!
- How many half-written stories are on your hard-drive and what do you plan to do with them?
About a dozen. Some of them will never go anywhere—the idea caught my attention but doesn’t fit my style and voice. I could never do those stories proper justice. Some I might eventually get back to. And some of them are just terrible and will definitely never get finished. - What are you working on next?
Last week I finished the first book in the Here Be Dragons series, which spins off from Hidden Species—this is Percy’s book. Right now I’m working on a secret project before I start book two.
Louisa Masters’ Newest Release
Just because I enjoy planning and researching doesn’t mean I’m not the most dangerous badass mothercracker around.
The world sees me as boring, dependable David. And I like it that way. I know things and I’m organized. Plus, I’ve seen firsthand the harm a chaotic life can inflict, and I’d rather have my lists and be called dull.
Which is what makes it all the more disconcerting when a sexy elf declares his adoration and begins to “woo” me. What am I supposed to do?
Hide, mostly. It’s hard, though, because Caolan and I are supposed to be working together. And he’s tough to resist: sweet, competent, and so incredibly beautiful. He sees something in me that no one else does. Would it really be such a bad thing if I gave in to temptation?
But my personal life can’t be the priority right now. The bad guys are gearing up to strike, and if we don’t stop them, the end of the world could be nigh. I need to focus on that, not on letting Caolan show me the benefits of spontaneity. Why don’t world-ending disasters come with an instruction manual?
Buy Links
| Sorcerers Always Satisfy | Hidden Species Series |
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Click the image above, or click here to sign up for Beth Bolden’s newsletter and receive a free copy of Naughty Neil, a Hidden Species short story!
I work for Lucifer. Only, it’s not as cool and satanic as it sounds.
Comment on this post or on the accompanying post in Andy’s Facebook Group, Gallorious Readers, for your chance to win a direct-to-Kindle copy of the book that started the Hidden Species adventure: Demons Do it Better!
About Louisa Masters
Louisa Masters started reading romance much earlier than her mother thought she should. While other teenagers were sneaking out of the house, Louisa was sneaking romance novels in and working out how to read them without being discovered. She’s spent most of her life feeling sorry for people who don’t read, convinced that books are the solution to every problem. As an adult, she feeds her addiction in every spare second, only occasionally tearing herself away to do things like answer the phone and pay bills. She spent years trying to build a “sensible” career, working in bookstores, recruitment, resource management, administration, and as a travel agent, before finally conceding defeat and devoting herself to the world of romance novels.
Louisa has a long list of places first discovered in books that she wants to visit, and every so often she overcomes her loathing of jet lag and takes a trip that charges her imagination. She lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she whines about the weather for most of the year while secretly admitting she’ll probably never move.
Where to Find Louisa Masters
| Website | Facebook | Facebook Group | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon |
Great Chat! Thanks for the chance to win!
I really enjoy these author chats!